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School Lunches

Lunchtime is an important part of the school day. Good manners and table etiquette are encouraged and we regard this time as an opportunity to practise social skills.

Through an outside provider, we are able to present the children with a balanced, nutritional lunch each day.

The children are given a choice of main course including a vegetarian option or they may opt for a salad.  A salad bar is available in addition to a choice of vegetables. There is a choice of dessert plus a drink. 

The cost of a lunch is £2.50 per day and should be paid for in advance, either on the day, at the beginning of the week or even at the start of a half term if parents so wish. The payment should be made through ParentPay.

Parents who are entitled to free school meals should apply through Cambridgeshire County Council. Please click here for the online application form.

Children may go home to lunch or bring sandwiches if preferred. The lunch should be packed into one clearly named container. As we have several children in school with life threatening nut allergies, please can you refrain from including whole nuts and produce containing nuts in your child's packed lunches, both at school and especially on school trips. No sweets of any kind are permitted, nor are cans or bottles of fizzy drinks.